Ref: Venturi,V. unpublished

REBASE ref # 30175

Contig set: 3,828,897 bp

GenBank #: QQAR00000000 (NZ_QQAR00000000)

REBASE acronym: Fsp291

Org_num: 39631


All begin DEU42_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
11428 AAA ATPase-like protein
11429 S S.Csp6424ORF7325P (27% identity) S.Fsp291ORF11430P
11430 M M.HspT23ORF19635P (50% identity) M.Fsp291ORF11430P
11431 429 aa hypothetical protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
11818 DHA1 family arabinose polymer transporter-like
11819 V V.Dca1ORF30810P (55% identity) V.Fsp291IP
11820 M M.Vpa1805ORF2300P (60% identity) ACCTGC M.Fsp291I
11821 R Nti1539ORFHP (26% identity) ACCTGC Fsp291I
11822 2-5 RNA ligase
11064 79 aa hypothetical protein
11065 V V.CspY16CORF17370P (67% identity) V.Fsp291ORF11068P
11066 R Fsp34518ORFFP (69% identity) Fsp291ORF11068P
11067 351 aa hypothetical protein
11068 M M.FpsVQ50ORF11250P (76% identity) M.Fsp291ORF11068P
11069 C C.Fsp2A30ORF9650P (67% identity) C.Fsp291ORF11068P
11070 149 aa hypothetical protein
113156 103 aa hypothetical protein
113157 M M2.Tsp2bORF455P (41% identity) M.Fsp291ORF113157P
113158 141 aa hypothetical protein
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