Ref: Bae,J.-W. and Lee,J.-Y. unpublished

REBASE ref # 27966

Complete sequence: 2,830,639 bp

GenBank #: CP034593

REBASE acronym: FspT48

Org_num: 32701


All begin EJ997_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
11245 107 aa hypothetical protein
11250 M M.Ala17612ORFAP (91% identity) M.FspT48ORF11250P
11255 restriction endonuclease
11260 S S.Psp319ORF50P (41% identity) S.FspT48ORF11250P
11265 R Ala17612ORFAP (92% identity) FspT48ORF11250P
11270 795 aa hypothetical protein
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
6845 1,4-alpha-glucan branching protein GlgB
6850 R R2.Sru945ORF1041P (63% identity) FspT48ORF6855P
6855 M M.DniM25ORF6955P (72% identity) M.FspT48ORF6855P
6860 289 aa hypothetical protein
6875 888 aa hypothetical protein
6880 M M.Kva80ORF731P (63% identity) M.FspT48ORF6880P
6885 LacI family DNA-binding transcriptional
7890 132 aa hypothetical protein
7895 RM Mca76AORF1715P (32% identity) FspT48ORF7895P
7900 site-specific integrase
10480 59 aa hypothetical protein
10485 R Ysp51ORF15175P (69% identity) FspT48ORF10485P
10490 DNA methyltransferase
10485 DUF262 domain-containing protein
10490 M M.Csp39ORF4150P (59% identity) M.FspT48ORF10490P
10495 164 aa hypothetical protein
11325 lactate utilization protein C
11330 M M.RfaA21d2ORF21285P (52% identity) M.FspT48ORF11330P
11335 988 aa hypothetical protein
11330 class I SAM-dependent methyltransferase
11335 RM RfaA21d2ORF21285P (45% identity) FspT48ORF11335P
11340 cyclase family protein
Type IV
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
11250 type I restriction-modification system subunit
11255 R PfrUF1MrrP (77% identity) FspT48MrrP
11260 restriction endonuclease subunit S
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