Ref: Koziaeva,V. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 22693

Contig set: 4,164,497 bp

GenBank #: LWQU00000000 (NZ_LWQU00000000)

REBASE acronym: MmoBB1

Org_num: 21052


All begin A6A05_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
15145 M type I restriction endonuclease subunit M M.MmoBB1ORF15145P
15150 addiction module antitoxin
17210 anticodon nuclease
17215 M M.MspAR02ORF1400P (48% identity) M.MmoBB1ORF17215P
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
??? RM MspR24ORF6780P (39% identity) MmoBB1ORF18030P
18035 286 aa hypothetical protein
8930 64 aa hypothetical protein
8935 M SstB010ORF3500P (31% identity) M.MmoBB1ORF8935P
8940 84 aa hypothetical protein
18300 186 aa hypothetical protein
18305 M M.Cam12363ORF2071P (11% identity) CCGG M.MmoBB1ORF18305P
18310 128 aa hypothetical protein
16225 DNA invertase
16230 M M.MspXM1ORF461P (48% identity) M.MmoBB1ORF16230P
16235 DNA helicase
7280 signal transduction protein
7285 M M.MgrR3S1ORF20920P (93% identity) GANTC M.MmoBB1ORF7285P
7290 249 aa hypothetical protein
4885 862 aa hypothetical protein
4890 RM MspSO1ORFAP (61% identity) MmoBB1ORF4890P
4895 1205 aa hypothetical protein
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
17430 135 aa hypothetical protein
17435 R NspAM1ORF6290P (19% identity) MmoBB1ORF17440P
17440 M 193 aa hypothetical protein M.MmoBB1ORF17440P
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