Ref: Gomez-Alvarez,V. et al. Genome Announc 4 (2) (2016)

REBASE ref # 21929

Contig set: 4,493,891 bp

GenBank #: LNSA00000000 (NZ_LNSA00000000)

REBASE acronym: SspH115

Org_num: 19385


All begin ATE71_

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
18415 M M.Rba37SspHP (45% identity) M.SspH115ORF18415P
18420 DEAD/DEAH box helicase
14680 78 aa hypothetical protein
14685 R Rmo1926IIP (57% identity) CGGCCG SspH115ORF14690P
14690 M M.SchDJ77ORFAP (73% identity) CGGCCG M.SspH115ORF14690P
14695 282 aa hypothetical protein
13545 oxidoreductase
13550 M M.SspLC363ORF2870P (97% identity) GANTC M.SspH115ORF13550P
13555 dihydropteroate synthase
4340 364 aa hypothetical protein
4345 M M.Ssp039ORF9830P (84% identity) CTGAAG M.SspH115ORF4345P
4350 169 aa hypothetical protein
1970 elongation factor 4
??? V V.Sae42286SspHP (43% identity) V.SspH115ORFAP
??? M M.Sae42286SspHP (67% identity) CTNAG M.SspH115ORFAP
1975 301 aa hypothetical protein
9815 595 aa hypothetical protein
9820 M M.Swi14551ORF17345P (90% identity) M.SspH115ORF9820P
9825 90 aa hypothetical protein
12350 190 aa hypothetical protein
12355 M M.NarDORF2173P (27% identity) M.SspH115ORF12355P
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