Ref: Duan,X. et al. unpublished

REBASE ref # 13587

Sequence length:GenBank #:
Chromosome: (contig set) AENG00000000
Chromosome: 1,016,707 bp CP017125

REBASE acronym: Mca1601

Org_num: 7847


All begin M1601_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
??? M M.Mca1601ORF245P (100% identity) M.Mca1601ORFAP
??? S S.Mca1601ORF245P (100% identity) S1.Mca1601ORFAP
??? R McaF38ORF57P (95% identity) Mca1601ORFAP
??? hypothetical protein
240 5-3 exonuclease
245 M M.Mca1601ORFAP (100% identity) M.Mca1601ORF245P
??? S S1.Mca1601ORFAP (100% identity) S.Mca1601ORF245P
260 R McaErerORF250P (99% identity) Mca1601ORF245P
265 integrase
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
??? DNA methylase
??? M M.McaYBORF1140P (100% identity) GGNCC M.Mca1601ORFCP
??? R McaYBORF1140P (99% identity) GGNCC Mca1601ORFCP
??? R McaYBORF1890P (100% identity) GATC Mca1601ORFDP
??? M M.McaYBORF1890P (99% identity) GATC M.Mca1601ORFDP
1140 16S rRNA (cytosine(967)-C(5))-methyltransferase
1145 M M.McaYBORF1140P (100% identity) GGNCC M.Mca1601ORFCP
1150 R McaYBORF1140P (99% identity) GGNCC Mca1601ORFCP
1155 GTP-binding protein TypA
1560 267 aa hypothetical protein
1565 M M.McaYBORF1560P (100% identity) M.Mca1601ORF1565P
1570 156 aa hypothetical protein
1900 882 aa hypothetical protein
1905 R McaYBORF1890P (100% identity) GATC Mca1601ORFDP
??? M M.McaYBORF1890P (99% identity) GATC M.Mca1601ORFDP
1915 745 aa hypothetical protein
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