Ref: Wan,Y. and Wan,Y. unpublished

REBASE ref # 36540

Sequence length:GenBank #:
chromosome 1: 4,730,372 bp OX460336
chromosome 1: 4,721,705 bp OX460326
chromosome 1: 4,725,107 bp OX460316
chromosome 1: 4,741,476 bp OX460329
chromosome 1: 4,722,421 bp OX460323
plasmid 2: 88,442 bp OX460325
plasmid 2: 88,489 bp OX460332
plasmid 2: 88,654 bp OX460338
plasmid 2: 88,429 bp OX460318
plasmid 2: 88,510 bp OX460328
plasmid 3: 73,423 bp OX460327
plasmid 3: 73,423 bp OX460331
plasmid 3: 73,423 bp OX460324
plasmid 3: 73,423 bp OX460317
plasmid 3: 73,432 bp OX460339

REBASE acronym:



All begin

Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome 1
??? M M.UbaC1152DamP (100% identity) GATC M.Eco26BDamP
??? M M.Ssp28760ORF20045P (100% identity) ATGCAT M.Eco26BORFFP
??? M M.EcoPnDogORFCP (100% identity) GATC M.Eco26BORFEP
??? M M.Ecos67DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Eco26BDcmP
??? V V.Eco26BdDcmP (100% identity) V.Eco26BDcmP
??? M M.SsoCS14ORF10750P (100% identity) A M.Eco26BORFCP
??? M M.Eco26BdORFIAP (100% identity) M.Eco26BORFIAP
??? M M.Ecos135ORF7520P (38% identity) M.Eco26BORFIBP
??? R EcoZ144ORF4685P (100% identity) CCWGG Eco26BORFBP
??? M M.Sfl426ORFAP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Eco26BORFBP
chromosome 1
??? M M.UbaC1152DamP (100% identity) GATC M.Eco26BdDamP
??? M M.Ssp28760ORF20045P (100% identity) ATGCAT M.Eco26BdORFFP
??? M M.EcoPnDogORFCP (100% identity) GATC M.Eco26BdORFEP
??? M M.Ecos67DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Eco26BdDcmP
??? V V.Eco26BcDcmP (100% identity) V.Eco26BdDcmP
??? M M.SsoCS14ORF10750P (100% identity) A M.Eco26BdORFCP
??? M M.Eco26BcORFIAP (100% identity) M.Eco26BdORFIAP
??? M M.Ecos135ORF7520P (38% identity) M.Eco26BdORFIBP
??? R EcoZ144ORF4685P (100% identity) CCWGG Eco26BdORFBP
??? M M.Sfl426ORFAP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Eco26BdORFBP
chromosome 1
??? M M.UbaC1152DamP (100% identity) GATC M.Eco26BcDamP
??? M M.Ssp28760ORF20045P (100% identity) ATGCAT M.Eco26BcORFFP
??? M M.EcoPnDogORFCP (100% identity) GATC M.Eco26BcORFEP
??? M M.Ecos67DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Eco26BcDcmP
??? V V.Eco26BdDcmP (100% identity) V.Eco26BcDcmP
??? M M.SsoCS14ORF10750P (100% identity) A M.Eco26BcORFCP
??? M M.Eco26BdORFIAP (100% identity) M.Eco26BcORFIAP
??? M M.Ecos135ORF7520P (38% identity) M.Eco26BcORFIBP
??? R EcoZ144ORF4685P (100% identity) CCWGG Eco26BcORFBP
??? M M.Sfl426ORFAP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Eco26BcORFBP
chromosome 1
??? M M.UbaC1152DamP (100% identity) GATC M.Eco26BbDamP
??? M M.Ssp28760ORF20045P (100% identity) ATGCAT M.Eco26BbORFFP
??? M M.EcoPnDogORFCP (100% identity) GATC M.Eco26BbORFEP
??? M M.Ecos67DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Eco26BbDcmP
??? V V.Eco26BdDcmP (100% identity) V.Eco26BbDcmP
??? M M.SsoCS14ORF10750P (100% identity) A M.Eco26BbORFCP
??? M M.Eco26BdORFIAP (100% identity) M.Eco26BbORFIAP
??? M M.Ecos135ORF7520P (38% identity) M.Eco26BbORFIBP
??? R EcoZ144ORF4685P (100% identity) CCWGG Eco26BbORFBP
??? M M.Sfl426ORFAP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Eco26BbORFBP
chromosome 1
??? M M.UbaC1152DamP (100% identity) GATC M.Eco26BaDamP
??? M M.Ssp28760ORF20045P (100% identity) ATGCAT M.Eco26BaORFFP
??? M M.EcoPnDogORFCP (100% identity) GATC M.Eco26BaORFEP
??? M M.Ecos67DcmP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Eco26BaDcmP
??? V V.Eco26BdDcmP (100% identity) V.Eco26BaDcmP
??? M M.SsoCS14ORF10750P (100% identity) A M.Eco26BaORFCP
??? M M.Eco26BdORFIAP (100% identity) M.Eco26BaORFIAP
??? M M.Ecos135ORF7520P (38% identity) M.Eco26BaORFIBP
??? R EcoZ144ORF4685P (100% identity) CCWGG Eco26BaORFBP
??? M M.Sfl426ORFAP (100% identity) CCWGG M.Eco26BaORFBP
plasmid 2
??? M M.Sso11ORF329P (100% identity) M.Eco26BaORFHP
plasmid 2
??? M M.Sso11ORF329P (100% identity) M.Eco26BbORFHP
plasmid 2
??? M M.Sso11ORF329P (100% identity) M.Eco26BORFGP
plasmid 2
??? M M.Sso11ORF329P (100% identity) M.Eco26BcORFHP
plasmid 2
??? M M.Sso11ORF329P (100% identity) M.Eco26BdORFHP
plasmid 3
??? M M.Ecos69ORF26765P (100% identity) M.Eco26BdORFGP
plasmid 3
??? M M.Ecos69ORF26765P (100% identity) M.Eco26BbORFGP
plasmid 3
??? M M.Ecos69ORF26765P (100% identity) M.Eco26BaORFGP
plasmid 3
??? M M.Ecos69ORF26765P (100% identity) M.Eco26BcORFGP
plasmid 3
??? M M.Ecos69ORF26765P (100% identity) M.Eco26BORFHP
Type III
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
chromosome 1
??? R Sensp14178ORF9290P (100% identity) CAAACC Eco26BbORFDP
??? M M.Sensp14178ORF9290P (100% identity) CAAACC M.Eco26BbORFDP
chromosome 1
??? R Sensp14178ORF9290P (100% identity) CAAACC Eco26BcORFDP
??? M M.Sensp14178ORF9290P (100% identity) CAAACC M.Eco26BcORFDP
chromosome 1
??? R Sensp14178ORF9290P (100% identity) CAAACC Eco26BdORFDP
??? M M.Sensp14178ORF9290P (100% identity) CAAACC M.Eco26BdORFDP
chromosome 1
??? R Sensp14178ORF9290P (100% identity) CAAACC Eco26BaORFDP
??? M M.Sensp14178ORF9290P (100% identity) CAAACC M.Eco26BaORFDP
chromosome 1
??? R Sensp14178ORF9290P (100% identity) CAAACC Eco26BORFDP
??? M M.Sensp14178ORF9290P (100% identity) CAAACC M.Eco26BORFDP
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