Ref: Strapagiel,D. et al. Genome Announc 4 (3) (2016)

REBASE ref # 22076

GenBank #: LWCH00000000

REBASE acronym: Mka1454

Org_num: 19600


All begin A4G26_

Type I
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
27160 R Man30275ORF38300P (57% identity) Mka1454ORF27160P
27165 transposase
26855 620 aa hypothetical protein
26860 M M.Mka1493ORF22305P (97% identity) M.Mka1454ORF26860P
25010 163 aa hypothetical protein
25015 M M.MnoBC02ORF1760P (91% identity) M.Mka1454ORF25015P
25020 99 aa hypothetical protein
25025 131 aa hypothetical protein
25030 R MnoBC02ORF1760P (14% identity) Mka1454ORF25015P
25235 404 aa hypothetical protein
25240 S S.Mka1493ORF22200P (98% identity) S.Mka1454ORF25240P
25245 antitoxin
Type II
ORF Gene Most similar Specificity Name
22500 M M.Mka3469ORF7678P (61% identity) M.Mka1454ORF22500P
22505 helicase
17665 DNA helicase
17670 RM Mka1493ORF17230P (96% identity) Mka1454ORF17670P
17675 helicase
25785 144 aa hypothetical protein
25790 M M.Mav464ORF12735P (93% identity) CTCGAG M.Mka1454ORF25790P
25795 R MavsORF13680P (95% identity) CTCGAG Mka1454ORF25790P
25800 473 aa hypothetical protein
26415 230 aa hypothetical protein
26420 M M.Mse16018ORF51110P (65% identity) M.Mka1454ORF26420P
26425 157 aa hypothetical protein
9860 coenzyme F420-0:L-glutamate ligase
9865 M M.Mka1493ORF18965P (99% identity) CTGGAG M.Mka1454ORF9865P
9870 NUDIX hydrolase
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